Електрична енергія, формульне ціноутворення, без розподілу

При поданні своєї пропозиції врахувати: 1. Маржа постачальника – норма прибутку, яка не підлягає зміні протягом дії Договору. Маржа не може бути величиною від’ємною. 2. Пунктом 66 постанови Кабінету Міністрів України від 14.09.2020 № 822 «Про затвердження Порядку формування та використання електронного каталогу» визначено, що замовник укладає договір про закупівлю з переможцем відбору не пізніше ніж через 5 календарних днів з дня визначення електронною системою закупівель постачальника переможцем відбору. Договір про закупівлю між замовником та переможцем відбору укладається відповідно до вимог законодавства. Умови договору про закупівлю не повинні відрізнятися від умов, визначених у замовленні/запиті пропозицій постачальників в електронному каталозі. Отже, учасник, беручи участь у даному запиті пропозицій постачальників надає повну і беззаперечну згоду з усіма умовами договору про постачання електричної енергії споживачу та підтверджує можливість виконання всіх умов договору. 3. Оплата вартості електричної енергії проводиться за умови наявності бюджетного фінансування протягом 5 робочих днів з моменту виставлення рахунку та надання акта приймання-передачі (акта прийняття-передавання / акта прийому-передачі), але не пізніше 20-го дня місяця, наступного за розрахунковим періодом (місяцем)

Expected value


including VAT
Call for proposals

from May 15, 14:51

until May 20, 10:00


from May 20, 10:02

until May 20, 16:42

Offers considered

from May 20, 16:42

until May 23, 15:12

Offers to be submitted:
May 15, 14:51 – May 20, 10:00
Auction launch:
not conducted


The auction stage was skipped during the purchase. The winner will be determined by the price that participants indicate when submitting an offer.

Announced date
May 15, 14:51

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Information about customer

EDRPOU code:
Web site:
Україна, 17100, Чернігівська область, м. Носівка, вул. Центральна, 20

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Main contact

Галина Сеник
Language skills:

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Items list

Name Quantity Delivery Place of delivery

Електрична енергія, формульне ціноутворення, без розподілу

Code DK 021:2015: 09310000-5 Електрична енергія
Електрична енергія, формульне ціноутворення, без розподілу
Parameter name Value
Тариф формульне ціноутворення
Послуги розподілу включено No
Відповідність ДСТУ EN 50160:2014, та іншим вимогам згідно держстандарту Yes
Термін без обмежень


69,603 кіловат-година

Delivery period:

до Dec 31

Place of delivery:

Україна, 17100, Чернігівська область, Об"єкти комунальної власностім.Носівка Центральна, 4, 6, 20; Авіації 24, Хмельницького 29, Володимирська 2, Автоколонна 1, 2; с.Іржавець Носівська 46, 39, Центральна 42; с.Володькова Дівиця Центральна 79; с.Тертишники Механізаторів 2; с.Козари Незалежності 57А, Шкільна 17; с.Яблунівка Садова; с.Ясна Зірка; с.Держанівка Л.Українки 4А

Procurement documents

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Draft contract May 15, 14:46
Not indicated May 15, 14:51

About tender

Complain ID prozorro:
Expected value:
UAH417,618.00 including VAT
Type of purchase item:
The primary object of this contracting process involves physical or electronic goods or supplies.
Sequential order of consideration of proposals:
Offer price capped by expected value:
View reviews in Dozorro:

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Participation in procurements

Олена Веретільник
E-mail: kropyvnytskenergo@ukr.net Phone: 380979418401 Web site: EDRPOU:

This company hasn't been reviewed yet, be the first to do so

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Attention, the mark "CEP" does not determine the type of applied signature! If an outdated type of EDS is used, the name will still indicate "CEP"
Contract was uploaded and signed by the customer. Tender completed.

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated May 15, 15:29
Technical specifications May 15, 15:29


UAH322,596.54 including VAT


Гамениця Роман
E-mail: K.SERDIUK@CN.ENERA.UA Phone: (0462)654-629, 654-690 Web site: EDRPOU:

Not enough reviews to form a rating

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Attention, the mark "CEP" does not determine the type of applied signature! If an outdated type of EDS is used, the name will still indicate "CEP"

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Technical specifications May 17, 09:39
Not indicated May 17, 09:39


UAH395,950.00 including VAT


Not considered
E-mail: svetlanas.g@ukr.net Phone: +380689447570 EDRPOU:

This company hasn't been reviewed yet, be the first to do so

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Attention, the mark "CEP" does not determine the type of applied signature! If an outdated type of EDS is used, the name will still indicate "CEP"

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Technical specifications May 16, 10:01
Not indicated May 16, 10:02


UAH405,089.00 including VAT


Not considered
Яблуновська Любов Петрівна
E-mail: l.matsola@gas.ua Phone: 380680942525 Web site: EDRPOU:
To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Attention, the mark "CEP" does not determine the type of applied signature! If an outdated type of EDS is used, the name will still indicate "CEP"

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Technical specifications May 15, 16:42
Not indicated May 15, 16:45
Not indicated May 15, 16:42


UAH407,475.73 including VAT


Not considered
E-mail: 3etektender@gmail.com Phone: 380672535393 EDRPOU:

This company hasn't been reviewed yet, be the first to do so

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Attention, the mark "CEP" does not determine the type of applied signature! If an outdated type of EDS is used, the name will still indicate "CEP"

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated May 16, 15:02
Technical specifications May 16, 15:02


UAH407,475.73 including VAT


Not considered
Бурячинський Сергій Васильович
E-mail: smila_skysoft@ukr.net Phone: 380979270601 EDRPOU:
To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Attention, the mark "CEP" does not determine the type of applied signature! If an outdated type of EDS is used, the name will still indicate "CEP"

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated May 17, 13:04
Technical specifications May 17, 13:04


UAH414,833.88 including VAT


Not considered
Олійник Максим Володимирович
E-mail: m.v.oleynick@gmail.com Phone: 380502279973 EDRPOU:

Not enough reviews to form a rating

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Attention, the mark "CEP" does not determine the type of applied signature! If an outdated type of EDS is used, the name will still indicate "CEP"

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Technical specifications May 19, 23:06
Not indicated May 19, 23:06


UAH415,828.09 including VAT


Not considered
Стрижак Петро
E-mail: tender@zpep.com.ua Phone: 0938339170 EDRPOU:
To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Attention, the mark "CEP" does not determine the type of applied signature! If an outdated type of EDS is used, the name will still indicate "CEP"

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Technical specifications May 16, 14:26
Not indicated May 16, 14:27


UAH416,663.33 including VAT


Not considered
Юрій Подзолков
E-mail: powerenergyukraine@gmail.com Phone: +380981371485 EDRPOU:

Not enough reviews to form a rating

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Attention, the mark "CEP" does not determine the type of applied signature! If an outdated type of EDS is used, the name will still indicate "CEP"

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated May 16, 15:33
Technical specifications May 16, 15:32
Not indicated May 16, 15:33


UAH417,206.35 including VAT


Not considered
Підлісний Юрій
E-mail: OFFICE@ENERGY365.COM.UA Phone: 380985886362 Web site: EDRPOU:

This company hasn't been reviewed yet, be the first to do so

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Attention, the mark "CEP" does not determine the type of applied signature! If an outdated type of EDS is used, the name will still indicate "CEP"

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated May 16, 09:30
Technical specifications May 16, 09:30


UAH417,618.00 including VAT


Not considered
Глущенко Дмитро Юрійович
E-mail: gluschenko@svitlogas.ua Phone: +380504409432 Web site: EDRPOU:
To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Attention, the mark "CEP" does not determine the type of applied signature! If an outdated type of EDS is used, the name will still indicate "CEP"

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Technical specifications May 17, 12:10
Not indicated May 17, 12:11


UAH417,618.00 including VAT


Not considered
Спеціаліст з публічних закупівель
E-mail: tovpromes2@gmail.com Phone: 380960114860 EDRPOU:
To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Attention, the mark "CEP" does not determine the type of applied signature! If an outdated type of EDS is used, the name will still indicate "CEP"

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated May 17, 13:34
Technical specifications May 17, 13:34


UAH417,618.00 including VAT


Not considered


Useful links

Public procurements list of the client Носівська міська рада Чернігівської області

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Шолопко Наталія Миколаївна
E-mail: sanatoriy_sever@ukr.net Phone: 380968321386,380989533066 EDRPOU:

This company hasn't been reviewed yet, be the first to do so

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Expected value

UAH488,000.00 including VAT

Жовнірович Оксана
E-mail: prozzoro@novotg.gov.ua Phone: +380957699968 EDRPOU:

This company hasn't been reviewed yet, be the first to do so

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Expected value

UAH716,076.00 including VAT

Ганна Стасюк
E-mail: tercenter.teresva@ukr.net Phone: +380676479213 EDRPOU:

This company hasn't been reviewed yet, be the first to do so

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Expected value

UAH500,000.00 including VAT
