
Код ДК 021:2015 33600000-6 - Фармацевтична продукція – Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim; Medicinal charcoal; Neostigmine; Glucose; Electrolytes; Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim; Lidocaine; Potassium chloride; Cocarboxylase; Comb drug; Loratadine; Validol; Glyceryl trinitrate; Glyceryl trinitrate; Nitrofural; Aciclovir; Aciclovir; Aminocaproic acid; Ammonia*; Hydrogen peroxide; Iodine; Viride nitens; Sulfacetamide; Xylometazoline; Ambroxol; Electrolytes; Procaine; Dextran; Hydroxyethylstarch; Nikethamide; Papaverine; Platyphylline; Verapamil; Amiodarone; Norepinephrine; Furosemide; Phenylephrine; Drotaverine; Diclofenac; Digoxin; Epinephrine; Sodium bicarbonate; Paracetamol; Paracetamol; Paracetamol; Tranexamic acid; Nifedipine

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Україна, 09100, Київська область, Біла Церква, вул. Архипа Люльки, 12

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