
Metamizole sodium; Glucose; Aqua pro injection; Paracetamol; Potassium chloride; Potassium chloride; Calcium gluconate; Edaravone; Electrolytes in combination with other drugs; Lactulose; Levofloxacin; Magnesium sulfate; Mannitol; Metronidazole; Nalbuphine; Nalbuphine; Sodium chloride; Sodium chloride; Sodium chloride; Sodium chloride; Salbutamol; Fluticasone; Omeprazole; Electrolytes in combination with other drugs; Electrolytes in combination with other drugs; Piperacillin and beta-lactamase inhibitor; Fluconazole; Cefepime; Ceftazidime; Ciprofloxacin; Citicoline; Citicoline; Saccharated iron oxide; Arginine hydrochloride; Ondansetron; Ondansetron

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