за кодом ДК 021:2015 «Єдиний закупівельний словник»: 09130000-9 «Нафта і дистиляти» (газ скраплений нафтовий)

Договір буде укладений у відповідності до оприлюдненого Замовником проекта договору. Передача товару здійснюється окремими поставками на підставі карти або за заявкою Замовника (в усній або письмовій формі) на умовах післяплати. Постачальник має право на дострокову передачу товару, а Замовник на передоплату

Expected value


including VAT
Call for proposals

from Feb 2, 2023, 16:53

until Feb 7, 2023, 00:00


from Feb 7, 2023, 00:01

until Feb 7, 2023, 09:36

Offers considered

from Feb 7, 2023, 09:36

until Feb 8, 2023, 16:10

Offers to be submitted:
Feb 2, 2023, 16:53 – Feb 7, 2023, 00:00

Pay attention!

00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end

Announced date
Feb 2, 2023, 16:53

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Information about customer

EDRPOU code:
Web site:
Not indicated
Україна, 41600, Сумська область, місто Конотоп, вулиця Генерала Тхора, 31

This company has not been reviewed yet

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Main contact

Лакиза Оксана Петрівна ( )
Language skills:

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Items list

Name Quantity Delivery Place of delivery

Газ скраплений нафтовий, картка

Code DK 021:2015: 09130000-9 Нафта і дистиляти
Газ скраплений нафтовий, картка
Parameter name Value
Відповідність ДСТУ EN 589:2017 Yes
Октанове число за моторним методом From: 89 одиниць
Спосіб реалізації картка


1,000 літр

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2023

Place of delivery:

Україна, 41600, Сумська область, м.Конотоп, АЗС постачальника

Procurement documents

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Draft contract Feb 2, 2023, 16:42
Not indicated Feb 2, 2023, 16:53

About tender

Complain ID prozorro:
Expected value:
UAH27,800.00 including VAT
Type of purchase item:
The primary object of this contracting process involves physical or electronic goods or supplies.
View reviews in Dozorro:

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Participation in procurements

Олексій Стеценко
E-mail: zaircom@ukr.net Phone: 380673482008 EDRPOU:

This company hasn't been reviewed yet, be the first to do so

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Attention, the mark "CEP" does not determine the type of applied signature! If an outdated type of EDS is used, the name will still indicate "CEP"
Contract was uploaded and signed by the customer. Tender completed.

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Technical specifications Feb 6, 2023, 13:06
Not indicated Feb 6, 2023, 13:06


Document name Document type Date of publishing
Signed contract Feb 8, 2023, 16:09
Not indicated Feb 8, 2023, 16:10


UAH27,700.00 including VAT




Useful links

Public procurements list of the client КП виробничого управління водопровідно-каналізаційного господарства

You may be interested

Василенко Катерина
E-mail: ok.teatr@ukr.net Phone: +380676308881 EDRPOU:

Not enough reviews to form a rating

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Expected value

UAH48,600.00 including VAT

Бубон Тетяна Миколаївна
E-mail: korpmsd@ukr.net Phone: 380977177491 EDRPOU:

This company hasn't been reviewed yet, be the first to do so

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Expected value

UAH53,000.00 including VAT

Бензин А-92 Євро ( талони) ДК:021 2015 09130000-9 Нафта і дистиляти
Бензин А-92 Євро ( талони) ДК:021 2015 09130000-9 Нафта і дистиляти
вікторія яценко
E-mail: viktoriy.yatzenko2017@gmail.com Phone: +380962198138 EDRPOU:

This company hasn't been reviewed yet, be the first to do so

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Expected value

UAH21,798.00 without VAT
