код 33140000-3 Медичні матеріали згідно ДК 021:2015 (Шприц ін’єкційний одноразового використання, 10,0 мл (трьохкомпонентний, з голкою 0,8 х 38 мм) (НК 024:2019 - 47017 Шприц загального призначення, разового застосування); Шприц ін’єкційний одноразового використання, 5,0 мл (трьохкомпонентний, з голкою 0,7 х 38 мм) (НК 024:2019 - 47017 Шприц загального призначення, разового застосування); Шприц ін’єкційний одноразового використання, 2,0 мл (трьохкомпонентний, з голкою 0,6 х 25 мм) (НК 024:2019 - 47017 Шприц загального призначення, разового застосування); Шприц ін’єкційний одноразового використання, 1,0 мл U100 (інсуліновий, з голкою 0,33 х 13 мм) (НК 024:2019 - 38501 Шприц інсуліновий з голкою, стандартний); Вата медична гігроскопічна гігієнічна нестерильна, 100 г (НК 024:2015 - 58232 Рулон ватний, нестерильний); Джгут багаторазовий венозний трикотажний для забору крові з пластиковим карабіном (НК 024:2015 - 35844 Джгут на верхню/нижню кінцівку, багаторазового використання)), Пластир медичний тип Класичний (на бавовняній основі) 2 х 500 см (НК 024:2015 - 44990 Лейкопластир для поверхневих ран); Рукавички хірургічні латексні (стерильні, з пудрою, текстуровані, з валиком на манжеті) розмір 7,5 (НК 024:2015 - 40548 Хірургічна рукавичка, латекс); Клейона підкладна гумовотканна медична вид А в рулоні 0,85 м х 50 м (НК 024:2015 - 35339 Простирадло прогумоване)

Постанови КМУ №169 від 28 лютого 2022 року «Деякі питання здійснення оборонних та публічних закупівель товарів, робіт і послуг в умовах воєнного стану»

Expected value


including VAT
Clarification period

from Sep 27, 2022, 17:59

until Oct 1, 2022, 08:00

Call for proposals

from Oct 1, 2022, 10:00

until Oct 5, 2022, 10:00


from Oct 6, 2022, 15:39

until Oct 6, 2022, 16:14


from Oct 6, 2022, 16:14

until Oct 12, 2022, 16:00

Offers considered

from Oct 12, 2022, 16:00

until Oct 21, 2022, 14:45

Offers to be submitted:
Oct 1, 2022, 10:00 – Oct 5, 2022, 10:00
Auction launch:
Oct 6, 2022, 15:39 – Oct 6, 2022, 16:14
Clarification period:
Sep 27, 2022, 17:59 – Oct 1, 2022, 08:00
Answers till:
Oct 5, 2022, 10:00

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Information about customer

EDRPOU code:
Web site:
Not indicated
Україна, 08455, Київська область, с. Циблі, вул. Лісова, 2
To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in

Main contact

Тетяна Коробочка
Language skills:

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Items list

Name Quantity Delivery Place of delivery

Шприц ін’єкційний одноразового використання, 10,0 мл (трьохкомпонентний, з голкою 0,8 х 38 мм) (або еквівалент)

Code DK 021:2015: 33140000-3 Медичні матеріали


30,000 штуки

Delivery period:

до Nov 21, 2022

Place of delivery:

Україна, 08455, Київська область, Циблі, Лісова, 2

Шприц ін’єкційний одноразового використання, 5,0 мл (трьохкомпонентний, з голкою 0,7 х 38 мм) (або еквівалент)

Code DK 021:2015: 33140000-3 Медичні матеріали


30,000 штуки

Delivery period:

до Nov 21, 2022

Place of delivery:

Україна, 08455, Київська область, Циблі, Лісова, 2

Шприц ін’єкційний одноразового використання, 2,0 мл (трьохкомпонентний, з голкою 0,6 х 25 мм) (або еквівалент)

Code DK 021:2015: 33140000-3 Медичні матеріали


30,000 штуки

Delivery period:

до Nov 21, 2022

Place of delivery:

Україна, 08455, Київська область, Циблі, Лісова, 2

Шприц ін’єкційний одноразового використання, 1,0 мл U100 (інсуліновий, з голкою 0,33 х 13 мм) 29Gх½ (або еквівалент)

Code DK 021:2015: 33140000-3 Медичні матеріали


1,000 штуки

Delivery period:

до Nov 21, 2022

Place of delivery:

Україна, 08455, Київська область, Циблі, Лісова, 2

Вата медична гігроскопічна гігієнічна нестерильна, 100 г (Зиг-заг)(або еквівалент)

Code DK 021:2015: 33140000-3 Медичні матеріали


1,000 штуки

Delivery period:

до Nov 21, 2022

Place of delivery:

Україна, 08455, Київська область, Циблі, Лісова, 2

Джгут багаторазовий венозний трикотажний для забору крові з пластиковим карабіном (або еквівалент)

Code DK 021:2015: 33140000-3 Медичні матеріали


200 штуки

Delivery period:

до Nov 21, 2022

Place of delivery:

Україна, 08455, Київська область, Циблі, Лісова, 2

Пластир медичний тип Класичний (на бавовняній основі) 2 х 500 см (або еквівалент)

Code DK 021:2015: 33140000-3 Медичні матеріали


100 штуки

Delivery period:

до Nov 21, 2022

Place of delivery:

Україна, 08455, Київська область, Циблі, Лісова, 2

Рукавички хірургічні латексні (стерильні, з пудрою, текстуровані, з валиком на манжеті) розмір 7,5 (або еквівалент)

Code DK 021:2015: 33140000-3 Медичні матеріали


500 пара

Delivery period:

до Nov 21, 2022

Place of delivery:

Україна, 08455, Київська область, Циблі, Лісова, 2

Клейона підкладна гумовотканна медична вид А в рулоні 0,85 м х 50 м

Code DK 021:2015: 33140000-3 Медичні матеріали


2 штуки

Delivery period:

до Nov 21, 2022

Place of delivery:

Україна, 08455, Київська область, Циблі, Лісова, 2

Procurement documents

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated Sep 27, 2022, 17:59
Not indicated Sep 27, 2022, 18:01
Not indicated Sep 27, 2022, 17:59
Not indicated Sep 27, 2022, 17:59
Not indicated Oct 6, 2022, 16:14
Not indicated Sep 27, 2022, 17:59
Not indicated Sep 27, 2022, 17:59

Terms of payment

Payment after the event:
delivery of goods
Payment type:
Payment amount:
Period (in days):
7 ( working )

About tender

Complain ID prozorro:
Expected value:
UAH238,000.00 including VAT
Minimum price decrement:
Type of purchase item:
The primary object of this contracting process involves physical or electronic goods or supplies.
View reviews in Dozorro:

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Auction history

Participants of auction

Людмила Литовка
E-mail: status.promed2021@gmail.com Phone: +380507751950 EDRPOU:

Not enough reviews to form a rating

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Attention, the mark "CEP" does not determine the type of applied signature! If an outdated type of EDS is used, the name will still indicate "CEP"
Contract was uploaded and signed by the customer. Tender completed.

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Price offer Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Not indicated Oct 5, 2022, 09:04
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 5, 2022, 09:03

Decision of the responsible person

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated Oct 12, 2022, 16:00
Review Protocol Oct 12, 2022, 15:55


Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated Oct 21, 2022, 14:45
Signed contract Oct 21, 2022, 14:34


UAH135,704.97 including VAT


Олександр Дюдя
E-mail: tender-med@ukr.net Phone: +380660003110 EDRPOU:
To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Attention, the mark "CEP" does not determine the type of applied signature! If an outdated type of EDS is used, the name will still indicate "CEP"

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 3, 2022, 22:23
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 3, 2022, 22:23
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 3, 2022, 22:23
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 3, 2022, 22:23
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 3, 2022, 22:23
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 3, 2022, 22:23
Compliance confirmation Oct 3, 2022, 22:23
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 3, 2022, 22:23
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 3, 2022, 22:23
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 3, 2022, 22:23
Price offer Oct 3, 2022, 22:23
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 3, 2022, 22:23
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 3, 2022, 22:23
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 3, 2022, 22:23
Compliance confirmation Oct 3, 2022, 22:23
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 3, 2022, 22:23
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 3, 2022, 22:23
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 3, 2022, 22:23
Not indicated Oct 4, 2022, 21:48
Price offer Oct 3, 2022, 22:23


UAH170,115.00 including VAT


Not considered
E-mail: tender@optpostach.com Phone: 380679027869 EDRPOU:
To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Attention, the mark "CEP" does not determine the type of applied signature! If an outdated type of EDS is used, the name will still indicate "CEP"

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Technical specifications Oct 5, 2022, 09:36
Technical specifications Oct 5, 2022, 09:36
Compliance confirmation Oct 5, 2022, 09:34
Technical specifications Oct 5, 2022, 09:34
Compliance confirmation Oct 5, 2022, 09:36
Compliance confirmation Oct 5, 2022, 09:36
Compliance confirmation Oct 5, 2022, 09:36
Technical specifications Oct 5, 2022, 09:34
Technical specifications Oct 5, 2022, 09:34
Compliance confirmation Oct 5, 2022, 09:36
Technical specifications Oct 5, 2022, 09:34
Compliance confirmation Oct 5, 2022, 09:34
Technical specifications Oct 5, 2022, 09:36
Compliance confirmation Oct 5, 2022, 09:36
Technical specifications Oct 5, 2022, 09:36
Technical specifications Oct 5, 2022, 09:36
Compliance confirmation Oct 5, 2022, 09:34
Compliance confirmation Oct 5, 2022, 09:36
Compliance confirmation Oct 5, 2022, 09:34
Not indicated Oct 5, 2022, 09:36
Compliance confirmation Oct 5, 2022, 09:36
Compliance confirmation Oct 5, 2022, 09:34
Compliance confirmation Oct 5, 2022, 09:34
Compliance confirmation Oct 5, 2022, 09:34
Compliance confirmation Oct 5, 2022, 09:36
Compliance confirmation Oct 5, 2022, 09:34
Technical specifications Oct 5, 2022, 09:36
Technical specifications Oct 5, 2022, 09:34
Technical specifications Oct 5, 2022, 09:36
Compliance confirmation Oct 5, 2022, 09:36
Technical specifications Oct 5, 2022, 09:34
Technical specifications Oct 5, 2022, 09:34
Compliance confirmation Oct 5, 2022, 09:34


UAH172,670.00 including VAT


Not considered
Олексій Асса
E-mail: aassa@stm-farm.biz Phone: +380677452534 EDRPOU:
To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Attention, the mark "CEP" does not determine the type of applied signature! If an outdated type of EDS is used, the name will still indicate "CEP"

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 4, 2022, 16:55
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 4, 2022, 16:55
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 4, 2022, 16:55
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 4, 2022, 16:55
Not indicated Oct 4, 2022, 17:00
Technical specifications Oct 4, 2022, 16:55


UAH172,671.63 including VAT


Not considered


Useful links

Public procurements list of the client ДП "Український державний медико-соціальний центр ветеранів війни"

You may be interested

Софія Кашкарьова
E-mail: sony090476@gmail.com Phone: +0442815807 Web site: EDRPOU:
To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Expected value

UAH402,895.00 including VAT

ДК 021:2015 ДК 021:2015 33140000-3 Медичні матеріали (Голки, кювети системи для досліджень, голкотримачі)
ДК 021:2015 ДК 021:2015 33140000-3 Медичні матеріали (Голки, кювети системи для досліджень, голкотримачі)
Ольга Пупіна
E-mail: olga19021980@ukr.net Phone: +380442348177 Web site: EDRPOU:
To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Expected value

UAH144,880.00 including VAT

Євген Могир
E-mail: adm.card.c@ukr.net Phone: +380679506630 Web site: EDRPOU:

Not enough reviews to form a rating

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in
Expected value

UAH167,348.00 without VAT
