Main contact
ID: UA-2024-09-16-012474-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upДоступ в режимі он-лайн до електронних баз наукової та науково-технічної інформації, інформаційного ресурсу Експертус Медзаклад за рівнем стандарт 12 міс.
Expected valueUAH10,800.00
without VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2024-09-16-012217-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upводостічні жолоби та комплектуючі
Expected valueUAH16,260.00
without VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2024-09-16-011903-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upжурнали
Expected valueUAH450.00
without VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2024-09-16-011716-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upбланки, історії хвороби, формуляри та ін
Expected valueUAH449.50
without VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2024-09-13-010119-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upПробірки вакуумні
AnnouncedSep 13, 15:43
Call for proposalsSep 13, 15:43 – Sep 18, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH57,000.00
including VATCompleted -
ID: UA-2024-09-13-007676-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upподушки проти пролежневі
Expected valueUAH8,820.00
without VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2024-09-13-005651-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upЕлектрична енергія
AnnouncedSep 13, 12:09
Call for proposalsSep 13, 12:09 – Sep 18, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH1,290,000.00
including VATOffers considered -
ID: UA-2024-09-13-003209-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upТест для визначення тропоніну I
AnnouncedSep 13, 10:51
Call for proposalsSep 13, 10:51 – Sep 18, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH4,500.00
including VATOffers considered -
ID: UA-2024-09-11-007209-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upнасоси водяні та комплектуючі
Expected valueUAH20,042.00
without VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2024-09-11-005888-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upнавчання працівників з питань пожежної безпеки
Expected valueUAH1,488.00
without VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2024-09-11-005753-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upпослуги постачання АРІ
Expected valueUAH9,600.00
including VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2024-09-06-004854-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upПроведення експертного обстеження (технічне діагностування) ліфтів
Expected valueUAH36,000.00
without VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2024-09-05-011501-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upмедичні матеріали для хірургії
AnnouncedSep 5, 16:29
Call for proposalsSep 5, 16:29 – Sep 13, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH105,000.00
including VATOffers considered -
ID: UA-2024-09-05-009341-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upНабір реактивів призначений для Контролю якості передстерилізаційного очищення та виявлення прихованої крові
AnnouncedSep 5, 15:16
Call for proposalsSep 5, 15:16 – Sep 10, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH6,450.00
including VATCompleted -
ID: UA-2024-09-04-003525-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upРеактиви для аналізатора електролітів Easy Lyte PLUS
AnnouncedSep 4, 11:12
Call for proposalsSep 4, 11:12 – Sep 12, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH11,700.00
including VATCompleted -
ID: UA-2024-09-04-002746-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upШвидкі (експрес) тести для діагностики коронавірусу COVID-19
AnnouncedSep 4, 10:47
Call for proposalsSep 4, 10:47 – Sep 7, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH12,500.00
including VATCompleted -
ID: UA-2024-08-28-010006-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upОвочі
AnnouncedAug 28, 16:36
Call for proposalsAug 28, 16:36 – Aug 31, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH2,200.00
including VATCompleted -
ID: UA-2024-08-28-005915-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upмедичні матеріали для хірургії
AnnouncedAug 28, 13:42
Call for proposalsAug 28, 13:42 – Aug 31, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH105,000.00
including VATCalled off -
ID: UA-2024-08-28-002306-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upнабори реактивів та реагентів
AnnouncedAug 28, 10:35
Call for proposalsAug 28, 10:35 – Aug 31, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH21,000.00
including VATCompleted -
ID: UA-2024-08-23-008698-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upКонтейнери для взяття цільної крові людини та її компонентів
AnnouncedAug 23, 15:36
Call for proposalsAug 23, 15:36 – Aug 28, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH12,000.00
including VATCompleted