20Т-017 Товари для забезпечення надання послуг з клінінгу та кейтерінгу

Expected value

not defined

Call for proposals

from Apr 6, 2020, 16:53

until Apr 9, 2020, 19:00


from Apr 9, 2020, 19:00

Offers considered

Information about customer

EDRPOU code:
Web site:
Not indicated
Україна, 36034, Полтавська, місто Полтава, Київський район ВУЛИЦЯ ДОМОБУДІВЕЛЬНА будинок 4
To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in

About tender

including VAT
ukrainian hryvnia
Minimum price decrement:
ID procurement:

Important dates

Offers to be submitted:
Apr 6, 2020, 16:53 – Apr 9, 2020, 19:00
Items list
Name Quantity Delivery Place of delivery

14410000-8 Камяна сіль

Code CPV: 14410000-8 Кам’яна сіль


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

16160000-4 Садова техніка різна

Code CPV: 16160000-4 Садова техніка різна


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

16310000-1 Косарки

Code CPV: 16310000-1 Косарки


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

16810000-6 Частини для сільскогосподарської техніки

Code CPV: 16810000-6 Частини для сільськогосподарської техніки


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

18930000-7 Мішки та пакети

Code CPV: 18930000-7 Мішки та пакети


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

19510000-4 Гумові вироби

Code CPV: 19510000-4 Гумові вироби


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

19520000-7 Пластмасові вироби

Code CPV: 19520000-7 Пластмасові вироби


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

19640000-4 Політиленові мішки та пакети для сміття

Code CPV: 19640000-4 Поліетиленові мішки та пакети для сміття


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

31220000-4 Елементи електричних схем

Code CPV: 31220000-4 Елементи електричних схем


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

32350000-1 Частии до аудіо- та відеообладнання

Code CPV: 32350000-1 Частини до аудіо- та відеообладнання


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

33140000-3 Медичні матеріали

Code CPV: 33140000-3 Медичні матеріали


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

33710000-0 Парфуми, засоби гігієни та презервативи

Code CPV: 33710000-0 Парфуми, засоби гігієни та презервативи


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

33760000-5 Туалетний папір, носові хустинки, рушники для рук і серветки

Code CPV: 33760000-5 Туалетний папір, носові хустинки, рушники для рук і серветки


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

34910000-9 Гужові чи ручні вози, інші транспортні засоби з немеханічним приводом, багажні вози та різні запасні частини

Code CPV: 34910000-9 Гужові чи ручні вози, інші транспортні засоби з немеханічним приводом, багажні вози та різні запасні частини


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

39220000-0 Кухонне приладдя, товари для дому та господарства і приладдя для закладів громадського харчування

Code CPV: 39220000-0 Кухонне приладдя, товари для дому та господарства і приладдя для закладів громадського харчування


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

39240000-6 Різальні інструменти

Code CPV: 39240000-6 Різальні інструменти


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

39510000-0 Вироби домашнього текстилю

Code CPV: 39510000-0 Вироби домашнього текстилю


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

39520000-3 Готові текстильні вироби

Code CPV: 39510000-0 Вироби домашнього текстилю


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

39710000-2 Електричні побутові прилади

Code CPV: 39710000-2 Електричні побутові прилади


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

39810000-3 Ароматизатори та воски

Code CPV: 39810000-3 Ароматизатори та воски


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

39830000-9 Продукція для чищення

Code CPV: 39830000-9 Продукція для чищення


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

44160000-9 Магістралі, трубопроводи, труби, обсадні, труби, тюбінги та супутні вироби

Code CPV: 44160000-9 Магістралі, трубопроводи, труби, обсадні труби, тюбінги та супутні вироби


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

44310000-6 Вироби з дроту

Code CPV: 44310000-6 Вироби з дроту


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

44420000-0 Будівельні товари

Code CPV: 44420000-0 Будівельні товари


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

44510000-8 Знаряддя

Code CPV: 44510000-8 Знаряддя


1 одиниця

Delivery period:

до Dec 31, 2020

Place of delivery:

Україна, 38703, Полтавська, м. Полтава, вул. Ковалівська, 5

Prequalification of participants

To view contact details Sign up or Sign in
To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Apr 6, 2020, 20:51
Apr 6, 2020, 20:51
Apr 6, 2020, 20:51
Apr 6, 2020, 20:51
Apr 6, 2020, 20:51
Apr 10, 2020, 13:35
Apr 6, 2020, 20:51
Apr 6, 2020, 20:51
Apr 6, 2020, 20:51
Apr 6, 2020, 20:51
Apr 6, 2020, 20:51
Apr 6, 2020, 20:51
Apr 6, 2020, 20:51
Apr 6, 2020, 20:51
Apr 6, 2020, 20:51
Apr 6, 2020, 20:51
Apr 6, 2020, 20:51
Apr 6, 2020, 20:51
Apr 6, 2020, 20:51

Protocol for access to trading

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated Apr 22, 2020, 16:16


Allowed to participate
To view contact details Sign up or Sign in

This company hasn't been reviewed yet, be the first to do so

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 16, 2020, 18:45
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41
Apr 7, 2020, 17:41

Protocol for access to trading

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated Apr 22, 2020, 16:16


Allowed to participate
To view contact details Sign up or Sign in

This company hasn't been reviewed yet, be the first to do so

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 7, 2020, 18:02
Apr 16, 2020, 18:13

Protocol for access to trading

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated Apr 22, 2020, 16:17


Allowed to participate
To view contact details Sign up or Sign in

Not enough reviews to form a rating

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Apr 22, 2020, 12:35
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:24
Apr 9, 2020, 13:36
Apr 8, 2020, 13:24
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 9, 2020, 15:05
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:24
Apr 9, 2020, 13:36
Apr 8, 2020, 13:24
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 9, 2020, 13:36
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 10, 2020, 12:31
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21
Apr 8, 2020, 13:21

Protocol for access to trading

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated Apr 23, 2020, 11:57


Allowed to participate
To view contact details Sign up or Sign in

This company hasn't been reviewed yet, be the first to do so

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in

Protocol for access to trading

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated Apr 22, 2020, 16:17


Allowed to participate
To view contact details Sign up or Sign in

Not enough reviews to form a rating

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Apr 8, 2020, 21:17
Apr 8, 2020, 21:17
Apr 8, 2020, 21:17
Apr 8, 2020, 21:17
Apr 8, 2020, 21:17
Apr 8, 2020, 21:17
Apr 21, 2020, 12:51
Apr 8, 2020, 21:17
Apr 8, 2020, 21:17
Apr 21, 2020, 12:51
Apr 8, 2020, 21:17
Apr 8, 2020, 21:17
Apr 13, 2020, 20:25
Apr 8, 2020, 21:17
Apr 8, 2020, 21:17
Apr 8, 2020, 21:17
Apr 8, 2020, 21:17
Apr 8, 2020, 21:17
Apr 8, 2020, 21:17
Apr 8, 2020, 21:17
Apr 8, 2020, 21:17

Protocol for access to trading

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated Apr 23, 2020, 11:57


Allowed to participate
To view contact details Sign up or Sign in

This company hasn't been reviewed yet, be the first to do so

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 16, 2020, 19:13
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19
Apr 9, 2020, 09:19

Protocol for access to trading

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated Apr 22, 2020, 16:18


Allowed to participate
To view contact details Sign up or Sign in

This company hasn't been reviewed yet, be the first to do so

To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 16, 2020, 15:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 16, 2020, 15:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 16, 2020, 15:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 16, 2020, 15:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47
Apr 9, 2020, 16:47

Protocol for access to trading

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated Apr 22, 2020, 16:18


Allowed to participate
To view contact details Sign up or Sign in
To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 10, 2020, 17:39
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 10, 2020, 17:55
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 10, 2020, 17:39
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 10, 2020, 17:39
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 10, 2020, 17:39
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 10, 2020, 17:55
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56
Apr 9, 2020, 16:56

Protocol for access to trading

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated Apr 22, 2020, 16:19


Allowed to participate
To view contact details Sign up or Sign in
To leave a review about a company and see its rating, you must sign up or Sign in

Documents submitted with the offer

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Apr 9, 2020, 17:27
Apr 14, 2020, 18:13
Apr 14, 2020, 16:40
Apr 9, 2020, 17:27
Apr 9, 2020, 17:27
Apr 9, 2020, 17:27
Apr 9, 2020, 17:27
Apr 9, 2020, 17:27
Apr 17, 2020, 16:06
Apr 14, 2020, 16:40
Apr 9, 2020, 17:27
Apr 14, 2020, 16:40
Apr 14, 2020, 18:13
Apr 14, 2020, 16:40
Apr 9, 2020, 17:27
Apr 9, 2020, 17:27
Apr 9, 2020, 17:27
Apr 14, 2020, 16:40
Apr 9, 2020, 17:27
Apr 14, 2020, 16:40
Apr 14, 2020, 16:40
Apr 14, 2020, 16:40
Apr 14, 2020, 16:40
Apr 9, 2020, 17:27
Apr 14, 2020, 16:40
Apr 9, 2020, 17:27
Apr 9, 2020, 17:27
Apr 9, 2020, 17:27
Apr 9, 2020, 17:27
Apr 9, 2020, 17:27

Protocol for access to trading

Document name Document type Date of publishing
Not indicated Apr 22, 2020, 16:19


Allowed to participate

Main contact

To view contact details Sign up or Sign in

Useful links

Commercial procurements list of the client ТОВАРИСТВО З ОБМЕЖЕНОЮ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНІСТЮ "ОЛЕКСАНДР"