Public procurements
ID: UA-2018-03-13-001355-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upТуалетний папір
Expected valueUAH960.00
without VATAddind contract information -
ID: UA-2018-03-13-001349-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upСода
Expected valueUAH1,290.00
without VATAddind contract information -
ID: UA-2018-03-13-001345-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upЗасоби гігієни
Expected valueUAH5,168.00
without VATAddind contract information -
ID: UA-2018-03-13-001335-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upПральний порошок
Expected valueUAH14,388.00
without VATAddind contract information -
ID: UA-2018-03-13-001328-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upЗасоби для чищення
Expected valueUAH4,547.40
without VATAddind contract information -
ID: UA-2018-03-12-001268-c
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upДобрива
Expected valueUAH31,050.00
including VATAddind contract information -
ID: UA-2018-03-12-000332-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upОлія рафінована
Expected valueUAH4,554.00
without VATAddind contract information -
ID: UA-2018-03-12-000193-b
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upМаргарин
Expected valueUAH3,525.00
without VATAddind contract information -
ID: UA-2018-03-12-000191-b
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upМорква
Expected valueUAH255.00
without VATAddind contract information -
ID: UA-2018-03-12-000190-b
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upМорква
Expected valueUAH1,041.70
without VATAddind contract information -
ID: UA-2018-03-12-000948-c
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upМолочні продукти
Expected valueUAH7,700.00
without VATAddind contract information -
ID: UA-2018-03-12-000188-b
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upМолочні продукти
Expected valueUAH4,970.00
without VATAddind contract information -
ID: UA-2018-03-12-000937-c
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upЯблука
Expected valueUAH9,717.00
without VATAddind contract information -
ID: UA-2018-03-01-000584-b
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upСоки
AnnouncedMar 1, 2018, 16:23
Call for proposalsMar 1, 2018, 16:23 – Mar 19, 2018, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH206,075.00
without VATCompleted -
ID: UA-2018-02-22-000332-c
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upКапуста, Цибуля
Expected valueUAH4,138.40
without VATAddind contract information -
ID: UA-2018-02-22-000322-c
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upМорква
Expected valueUAH833.00
without VATAddind contract information -
ID: UA-2018-02-22-000107-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upКрупа гречана
Expected valueUAH1,950.00
without VATAddind contract information -
ID: UA-2018-02-22-000106-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upОлія рафінована
Expected valueUAH5,100.48
without VATAddind contract information -
ID: UA-2018-02-22-000191-b
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upЯблука
Expected valueUAH6,755.00
without VATAddind contract information -
ID: UA-2018-02-20-001779-c
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upМолочні продукти
Expected valueUAH6,090.00
without VATAddind contract information