Public procurements of the client Житомирський дошкільний навчальний заклад №29
Main contact
ID: UA-2021-01-22-002238-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upОлія соняшникова
Expected valueUAH13,480.00
including VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2021-01-22-002297-c
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upКориця
Expected valueUAH540.00
including VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2021-01-22-002188-c
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upЦукор
Expected valueUAH31,535.00
without VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2021-01-22-001636-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upКрупа манна
Expected valueUAH1,270.00
without VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2021-01-19-005640-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upПостачання теплової енергії
Expected valueUAH381,384.00
including VATCompleted -
ID: UA-2021-01-19-003034-b
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upРис обрушений
Expected valueUAH6,352.50
without VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2021-01-19-003029-b
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upКрупа гречана
Expected valueUAH7,837.50
without VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2021-01-19-004172-c
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upкрупа вівсяна
Expected valueUAH2,730.00
without VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2021-01-19-002996-b
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upкрупа пшоно
Expected valueUAH2,500.00
without VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2021-01-19-002960-b
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upяйця курячі
Expected valueUAH44,876.70
without VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2021-01-19-000003-b
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upрозподіл електричної енергії
Expected valueUAH106,920.90
including VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2021-01-17-000029-b
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upпослуги із забезпечення перетікання реактивної електричної енергії
Expected valueUAH8,000.00
including VATReport is oficcially published in Prozorro -
ID: UA-2021-01-11-001171-c
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upОвочі та фрукти
AnnouncedJan 11, 2021, 21:18
Call for proposalsJan 15, 2021, 00:00 – Jan 21, 2021, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH199,650.00
including VATCompleted -
ID: UA-2021-01-11-001136-c
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upКартопля, картопля рання, горох
AnnouncedJan 11, 2021, 19:31
Call for proposalsJan 15, 2021, 00:00 – Jan 21, 2021, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH129,700.00
including VATCompleted -
ID: UA-2021-01-07-000003-c
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upЛот №1 М'ясо яловиче великий шматок, печінка яловича, сало (ДК 021:2015 – 15110000-2 - М’ясо), Лот №2 Тушки курей (ДК 021:2015 – 15110000-2 - М’ясо)
AnnouncedJan 7, 2021, 05:01
Call for proposalsJan 7, 2021, 05:01 – Jan 25, 2021, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH584,650.00
including VATCompleted -
ID: UA-2020-12-29-001961-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upТушки риби (хек с/м)
AnnouncedDec 29, 2020, 10:36
Call for proposalsJan 5, 2021, 00:00 – Jan 14, 2021, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH176,000.00
including VATCompleted -
ID: UA-2020-12-28-006083-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upМолоко коров’яче пастеризоване, жирністю 2,6%
AnnouncedDec 28, 2020, 23:08
Call for proposalsDec 28, 2020, 23:08 – Jan 13, 2021, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH338,250.00
including VATCalled off -
ID: UA-2020-12-22-005204-a
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upСметана фас. 21% жирності, кефір 3,2% жирності
AnnouncedDec 22, 2020, 22:08
Call for proposalsDec 29, 2020, 00:00 – Jan 6, 2021, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH69,450.00
including VATCompleted -
ID: UA-2020-12-09-004275-b
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upЛот №1 Сир кисломолочний 9% жирності (ДК 021:2015 – 15540000-5 - Сирні продукти), Лот №2 Сир твердий «Дитячий» 45% жирності (ДК 021:2015 – 15540000-5 - Сирні продукти)
AnnouncedDec 9, 2020, 22:02
Call for proposalsDec 15, 2020, 00:00 – Dec 22, 2020, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH194,750.00
including VATCompleted -
ID: UA-2020-12-08-003851-b
To save and monitor interesting procurements you need to sign upХліб із суміші пшеничного борошна другого ґатунку та житнього борошна, батон пшеничний в/г
AnnouncedDec 8, 2020, 23:06
Call for proposalsDec 14, 2020, 00:00 – Dec 21, 2020, 00:00Pay attention!
00:00 - means the beginning of the day, not its end
Expected valueUAH124,368.00
including VATCompleted