Будівля м’ясоцеху, загальною площею 947,00 кв.м., який розташований за адресою : Львівська область, Львівський район, с. Куровичі, вул. Ів. Франка, буд. 83а

Будівля м’ясоцеху ( 5 складових частин), загальною площею 947,00 кв.м., який розташований за адресою : Львівська область, Львівський район, с. Куровичі, вул. Ів. Франка, буд. 83а. Рухоме майно ( обладнення, меблі, верстати тощо), що знаходиться та обліковується за однією адресою з нерухомим майном .

Starting price


including VAT
Auction unsuccessful
Bid acceptance

from Sep 14, 2023, 15:09

until Oct 16, 2023, 20:00


from Oct 17, 2023, 11:05

until Oct 17, 2023, 11:52


from Oct 17, 2023, 11:52

Auction complete
not conducted
Offers to be submitted:
Sep 14, 2023, 15:09 – Oct 16, 2023, 20:00
Auction period:
Oct 17, 2023, 11:05 – Oct 17, 2023, 11:52
Announced date:
Sep 14, 2023, 15:09
Rectification period:
Sep 14, 2023, 15:09 – Oct 11, 2023, 18:00
Period of questions:
Sep 14, 2023, 15:09 – Oct 16, 2023, 18:00
Period of answers:
Sep 14, 2023, 15:09 – Oct 16, 2023, 18:00
Qualification period:
Oct 17, 2023, 17:29 – Nov 14, 2023, 18:00

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Auction protocol

Gallery 5 images

About auction

Auction ID:
Registration fee:
Warranty fee:
Lot number:
The item is being tendered:
For the first time
A minimum number of participants:
Starting price:
UAH1,961,000.00 including VAT
VAT is charged on the final amount:
Minimum step:
Procedure and place of acquaintance with the property:
З майном можна ознайомитись за місцезнаходженням майна, що зазначене в цьому оголошенні, за попереднім записом за тел. : +38044-206-57-04,044-206-96-31

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List of objects

Description Quantity Address

Будівля м’ясоцеху ( 5 складових частин), загальною площею 947,00 кв.м., який розташований за адресою : Львівська область, Львівський район, с. Куровичі, вул. Ів. Франка, буд. 83а. Рухоме майно ( обладнення, меблі, верстати тощо), що знаходиться та обліковується за однією адресою з нерухомим майном .

CAV code: 05000000-5 Цілісний майновий комплекс або майновий комплекс - комплекс активів підприємства


139 piece


Україна, 80725, Львівська область, Куровичі, вул. Ів. Франка, буд. 83а

State of official registration:
Registered in the State register of rights to immovable property
Registration ID:
Registration date:
Dec 21, 2020, 10:00
Land area, ha:
Cadastral number:
Latitude: 49.7666860087 Longitude: 24.4228992443

Location on the map

Auction documents 17 documents

Document name Document type Announced date
Auction notice Sep 15, 2023, 11:06
Auction notice Sep 14, 2023, 15:09
Technical specifications Sep 14, 2023, 15:09
Technical specifications Sep 14, 2023, 15:09
Technical specifications Sep 14, 2023, 15:09
Technical specifications Sep 14, 2023, 15:09
Technical specifications Sep 14, 2023, 15:09
Technical specifications Sep 14, 2023, 15:09
Illustration Sep 14, 2023, 15:09
Illustration Sep 14, 2023, 15:09
Illustration Sep 14, 2023, 15:09
Illustration Sep 14, 2023, 15:09
Illustration Sep 14, 2023, 15:09
Contract proforma Sep 14, 2023, 15:09
Evaluation criteria Sep 14, 2023, 15:09
Evaluation criteria Sep 14, 2023, 15:09
Clarifications Sep 15, 2023, 11:06

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Auction history

Participants of auction 4 participants

Participant Offer Status


Барчишин Тарас Ігорович
E-mail: tovbrickstrong@gmail.com Phone: +380686148014 EDRPOU:






Documents submitted with the offer 8 documents

Document name Document type Announced date
Bid Oct 16, 2023, 14:50
Register extract Oct 16, 2023, 14:50
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:51
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:51
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:51
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:51
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:51
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:58

Decision of the responsible person 2 documents

Document name Document type Announced date
Auction protocol Oct 17, 2023, 17:25
Cancellation act Oct 17, 2023, 17:29

Documents submitted with the offer 8 documents

Document name Document type Announced date
Bid Oct 16, 2023, 14:50
Register extract Oct 16, 2023, 14:50
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:51
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:51
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:51
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:51
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:51
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:58

Decision of the responsible person 2 documents

Document name Document type Announced date
Auction protocol Oct 17, 2023, 17:25
Cancellation act Oct 17, 2023, 17:29
Contract status:
Contract cancelled
Contract price:

Termination reason:
Refusal or non-signing of the contract
Verification period:
Oct 17, 2023, 11:52 – Oct 25, 2023, 18:00
Signature period:
Oct 17, 2023, 11:52 – Nov 14, 2023, 18:00


Кожушко Лілія
E-mail: sigma_business_rent@ukr.net Phone: +380974904006 EDRPOU:






Documents submitted with the offer 20 documents

Document name Document type Announced date
Bid Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Eligibility documents Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Eligibility documents Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Eligibility documents Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Eligibility documents Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Register extract Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Eligibility documents Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Eligibility documents Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43

Decision of the responsible person 2 documents

Document name Document type Announced date
Cancellation act Nov 6, 2023, 14:24
Cancellation act Nov 6, 2023, 14:24

Documents submitted with the offer 20 documents

Document name Document type Announced date
Bid Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Eligibility documents Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Documents confirming of qualification Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Eligibility documents Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Eligibility documents Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Eligibility documents Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Register extract Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Eligibility documents Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Eligibility documents Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43
Digital signature Oct 15, 2023, 21:43

Decision of the responsible person 2 documents

Document name Document type Announced date
Cancellation act Nov 6, 2023, 14:24
Cancellation act Nov 6, 2023, 14:24

Termination reason:
Refusal or non-signing of the protocol
Verification period:
Oct 17, 2023, 17:29 – Oct 25, 2023, 18:00
Signature period:
Oct 17, 2023, 17:29 – Nov 14, 2023, 18:00


Андрій Лелюк
E-mail: frankometr@ukr.net Phone: +380679149680 EDRPOU:




Not considered


Documents submitted with the offer 7 documents

Document name Document type Announced date
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 11:26
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 11:26
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 11:26
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 11:26
Digital signature Oct 16, 2023, 11:26
Digital signature Oct 16, 2023, 11:26
Digital signature Oct 16, 2023, 11:26

Documents submitted with the offer 7 documents

Document name Document type Announced date
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 11:26
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 11:26
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 11:26
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 11:26
Digital signature Oct 16, 2023, 11:26
Digital signature Oct 16, 2023, 11:26
Digital signature Oct 16, 2023, 11:26


Пентискул Максим Ігорович
E-mail: ortles@ukr.net Phone: +380974630356 EDRPOU:




Not considered


Documents submitted with the offer 8 documents

Document name Document type Announced date
Bid Oct 16, 2023, 14:46
Register extract Oct 16, 2023, 14:46
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:46
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:46
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:46
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:47
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:47
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:59

Documents submitted with the offer 8 documents

Document name Document type Announced date
Bid Oct 16, 2023, 14:46
Register extract Oct 16, 2023, 14:46
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:46
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:46
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:46
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:47
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:47
Eligibility documents Oct 16, 2023, 14:59


Україна, 01010, Київ, м. Київ, ВУЛИЦЯ МОСКОВСЬКА, будинок 32/2, KOATUU: 8000000000, М.КИЇВ

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Чіхічін Віталій
Web site:

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Bank details

Warranty fee

Account in currency UAH (Ukrainian hryvnia)

Bank name:
АТ «Ощадбанк»
м. Києві, МФО 300465
International bank account number IBAN:
Name of recipient:
EDRPOU of the recipient:

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Єдиний майновий комплекс державного підприємства «Промспецзв’язок» (код за ЄДРПОУ 00191951), за адресою: Дніпропетровська обл., м. Дніпро, площа Героїв Майдану, 1
Коломоєць Вікторія Олександрівна
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Starting price
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UAH3,624,415.00 without VAT
